Safety Bulletin
Dealing with Lost or Abandoned Explosives
Excavation and Blasting Contractors may encounter lost, abandoned or undetonated explosives while performing activities on construction sites where rock blasting has previously occurred.
If found, lost, abandoned or undetonated explosives must be handled in accordance with Provincial and Federal regulations.
If you are a member of the public or an Excavation Contractor:
Don’t touch explosives – never move or touch them.
Call the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) at 1-800-420-5805 or your local police.
The Explosives Disposal Unit (EDU) will be called to dispose of the explosives safely and at no cost.
Guard the area and wait for the authorities to arrive and make sure no one else touches them until the appropriate authorities take over.
If you are a Blaster:
Do not remove the explosives – do the following:
Guard the area from access.
Contact WorkSafe BC at 1-888-621-7233 and report what is found.
Contact Explosives Recovery Division (ERD) of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) at 613-947-9111.
Complete form F07-01 (Incident Report) and return it to the NRCan at precursors-precurseurs@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca.
Examples of lost, abandoned or undetonated explosives: